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Doctors cannot perform miracles

It is amazing what medicine has already discovered about us humans. What medicine has discovered, and what medicine can do to our bodies. Today, doctors (presumably) know what is good for us and what is bad for us. And not only do they know, they can measure all kinds of numbers and advise what to add and what to avoid (in many cases).

So what do we know? For example, the current generation consumes too much fat and salt. This is thought to be to our detriment, mainly in the form of obesity and high blood pressure. We are also said to be injecting too much cholesterol into our bodies, which is slowly clogging our blood vessels. Sugar is also said to be consumed in large quantities, which not only causes tooth decay, but also has many other negative effects on our bodies.

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On the other hand, what we lack are often vitamins, fiber and minerals. Doing so can worsen immunity and complicate digestion.

Doctors already know the dangers of smoking, alcohol and other drug consumption, which have long frightened us. We are hunting our bodies and triggering everything from liver hardening to cancer.

We simply know what is good for us and what is bad for us. And doctors don\’t just know. He knows more than one treatment. So there is a cure for everything and anything. And if the drugs don\’t work, they can cut things out, irradiate them, or transplant them. It is astonishing how doctors do it.

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But so far, there is one thing these doctors cannot handle. What is it against?

For now, we cannot make our humans and patients follow their sage advice. Because for us, a pile of dumplings, a hamburger, a pork belly with a few beers on top of chocolate is a much more enjoyable choice than fruits, vegetables, and clean water. And when we\’ve had our fill, we feel much better about smoking a cigarette than we do about playing sports and then eating something healthy.


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