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Common photo mistakes

Sometimes you have to get your camera or cell phone out faster than a cowboy can get his Colt out. And you don\’t have time to think about whetherall the settings are right, whether you\’re standing in backlight,whether it\’s too dark. Simply, a snapshot is a snapshot, and perhaps it is in such mistakes that the hidden magic lies.

But even with ordinary photographs, there are mistakes that you only notice when you get home. And which are the most common? Basically, only three.
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Too much light

Not enough light

Undesirable objects

In theory, one could add mechanical defects, but such defects usually have the effects already mentioned.

As is often said, it is best to prevent mistakes. This is of course possible, but only if you have the time and peace of mind. Everyone has a different style of photography; some people choose carefully when, where, and what to shoot, while others always click like crazy. Some people choose carefully when, where, and what they shoot. That\’s fine because it\’s that person\’s business,but tormenting a relative with 500 poor quality photos is a punishable offense. Unless your friends and relatives punish you with a curse themselves; even 50 pictures is too many. Even 50 photos are too many, especially if each photo has a 10-minute explanation. Anyway, let\’s cut to the chase.

In addition to the three drawbacks mentioned above, there is one more, suitably specific drawback, which actually falls under the first two. [It is light. If there is not enough light, such “grain” may appear in the photograph. On the other hand, if the light is too strong, half of the subject will be obscured by a flood of light. Both can be avoided.

In the first case, just use a flash. Outdoors, since the main light source is usually the sun. Indoors, with a stronger spotlight, e.g. at a party or night show.

The purpose of this article is not to teach the kind reader to eliminate these mistakes. But still…

Most can be corrected in-camera, but higher quality corrections can be made with some photo editors.

Good light.


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