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Earn money while studying

A common argument for why college students want higher salaries than high school students or apprentices is that they have earned more years and could not devote themselves to their studies, so they have to pay it back in salary.

This is because they could enjoy student benefits while others paid taxes, health and social insurance premiums. It is clear, however, that the economic situation of students is not rosy. See
studentka s knihou
for how research on this topic turned out.
However, there are students who travel the world and live a cocooned life, enjoying comforts that the average working person can only dream of. In fact, they can earn a lot of money while studying. Or their parents may fund them, but we are not interested in that here.

How can I earn a lot of money while studying?

– This applies primarily to women, but also to men. Paid female and male companions are in demand, and if you are attractive to female students, good looking, and have language skills, you can make a lot of money.
– Another possibility is stripping . There, talent for movement and theater is necessary, and the proceeds just pour in. They can also perform in clubs or at private events. Of course, a clean, well-developed body is also a prerequisite.
– The IT field also offers many opportunities for high income. You can invent various programs and mobile applications,program,design websites
, striptéři v montérkách,
or even create your own
– If you are creative and full of ideas, becoming a YouTuber is ideal. Uploading videos and posting them on the Internet will not earn you any money on its own, but with enough fans, different companies will be interested in you and you can earn money by showcasing their products.
– In many cases, clothes bought cheaply abroad sell for a lot of money here. However, there is already a lot of competition in this sector.

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