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Four must-see series

1. Game of Thrones
Where to start, other than the series that basically sparked this boom? Game of Thrones is based on the book by George R. R. Martin and depicts a power struggle in the fictional world of Westeros and Essos. It was the first saga to have an equally large production budget, with many locations, costume costs, and changes to the characters. However, the story, with its alternating dragons and wolves and large-scale battles, has won the hearts and minds of millions, and the results are evident.
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2. Stranger Things
The groundbreaking series on the American streaming service Netflix has definitively put it on par with traditional television. It tells the story of Will, a boy lost in the Upside Down world, his friends, and Eleven, a mysterious figure who appeared as a phantom years ago. The screenwriter himself presents the film as a tribute to Stephen King and other masters of classic horror. If you like to be scared, this is the perfect series for you. Warning: you will develop unhealthy personal relationships with fictional children.

3. Dear White People
One of the most controversial films of recent years. Set in the fictional American high school Winchester, the series tells the story of several African American students at a predominantly white school. The series critiques some of the things that African American minorities have to deal with today, such as institutional racism and so-called cultural appropriation (the adoption of elements from other cultures without a proper understanding of where that culture comes from). So if you are white, this program will probably offend you several times.

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4. “The Life and Times of Judge A.K.”
Leading Czech creation. Starring Adam Šverlík, the series tells the story of a trial loosely inspired by a real case. The story, which intertwines the personal level with the judge\’s work, is arguably the most interesting made on the Czech scene in recent years.

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