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Quality care for an old family home pays off

One of the most important and emphasized parts of the old house is the roof.1 It requires a lot of attention. The first step of the owner is to thoroughly examine her condition. Most of all, specialists who know in advance what parts need to be focused. The problem with the roof is often not visible to the eyes of the layman. But with the first heavy rain, flooding can occur. Even a damp ceiling in the room on the lower floor is enough. Or wet spots on the stairs.

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To avoid such problems, experts need to act, to make sure that the roofing material is in poor condition. Currently, the offers are abundant, so there are no problems when choosing a new roofing material. Just keep in mind the wooden structure of the existing house. To carry a new roof. And choose accordingly. What do you need to do first after tearing down the old roof? All supporting parts are treated with paint and priming to last another 50 years. An advantageous option when rebuilding an existing roof is made of sheet metal. Among the biggest advantages is its weight and fast laying.

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Also, its service life is long. This is a good factor for all owners of old houses. We hope that the roof will serve for many years without any maintenance. If you decide on a metal roof, you can choose from several types. Either it will be modular, it is constructed just like a classic roof tile. Only their size is small. In the assortment of specialized stores there is a wide choice of these shingles of many shades. If you choose a corrugated roof that is suitable for larger size roofs, you will definitely be satisfied as well. These trapezoidal sheets are placed on a continuous strip or sheet. And they can cover not only the roof, but also the facade of the house. It is necessary to choose the most suitable thickness of the sheet. And this allows you to prepare a custom repaired roof. These trapezoidal sheets are also available in a wide range of colours. Whatever the owners of the old house choose for a new roof variant, we hope that it will work well and serve for a long time.