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State Social Assistance Benefits

Never heard of these terms? They are child allowance, housing allowance, parental allowance, maternity allowance, and funeral allowance. These are paid by the Job Center. These allowances are paid taking into account the family\’s income and social situation. The more disadvantaged the social situation of the family, the more social benefits are paid. Thus, benefits can be claimed and paid at the same time.

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Family allowances are paid by the government to citizens who apply and qualify for them. Child, maternity, and housing allowances are income-restricted benefits; the incomes of all persons living together are assessed. None of the benefits are (at least for the time being) means-tested.

On the other hand, the child care and funeral allowances are income-neutral benefits, and when applying for these benefits, one does not have to prove to Hello Work one\’s own income and the income of the so-called jointly assessed persons.

Benefits are paid in Czech currency, and you can decide for yourself whether to send them to your bank account, your permanent address, or another address.
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Application forms are available at the respective offices of the Labor Office or on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and can be filled out and printed directly from the comfort of your home. Alternatively, if you are the owner of a data box, you can send the completed form to the appropriate labor bureau. If you do not have a data box but do not wish to go to the labor bureau, you may mail the application form with the relevant supporting documents. However, there is a risk that the application form and attachments may not be filled out correctly. This will delay the processing of your application, as you will receive a letter by registered mail from the Job Center, requesting you to submit the following documents. Therefore, at least the first time you apply for benefits, we recommend that you go to the Job Center or “stand in line,” fill everything out properly under the supervision of a clerk, ask questions, and then drop your application in the letterbox with a light heart.

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