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True beauty

Since ancient times, people have longed to be more and more beautiful. However, the status of beauty has changed dramatically since then. In ancient Greece and Rome, for example, the sign of a woman\’s infinite beauty was the fusion of her two sides into one. What would attract some today could be called a fashion fad back then. Women pieced together their eyebrows and drew them with charcoal. Even today, eyebrows are still groomed. The roots of drawing eyebrows and emphasizing the beauty of the face lie in the past.
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It is said that first impressions are almost always determined by appearance. While this is undoubtedly true, overall appearance consists not only of the face, but also of clothing, attitude, and natural charm. A good haircut, a well-groomed beard, and in the case of men, a perfect shave, should be the basis. Clothing appropriate to the situation also plays a major role. But these two are small compared to the main things that really matter. Your appearance is largely determined by your confidence. But as they say, nothing is too much, and those who are overconfident will soon hit their ego and suffer. If you lack self-confidence, do not despair of it, but overcome your shortcomings through various exercises. It\’s all about habit and overcoming fear.
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The aspect that leaves reactions in people is also your inner energy. How you express your emotions, whether you are sad all the time or happy all the time, will, in the long run, have the most impact on how people view you. After all, who wants to talk to someone who is bitter? Moods often shift from person to person, and the presence of such a person often makes others uncomfortable.
So remember, beauty is not just about the face or overall appearance. Beauty comes in many forms and is a combination of several qualities, which can be enhanced to some degree.

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